Ariel's had a pretty good run, I suppose. She's an excellent mouser - even without claws - and has left me "treats" by the front door in every place we've lived. She used to go on walks with me and the dogs (although she would want to be carried back instead of walking back). She purrs so loud that sometimes on conference calls people ask me what the background noise/feedback is on my phone. She's mostly deaf now, so she scares the bejeebers out of me once in a while - she meows loud enough to hear herself and in the middle of the night it's somewhat unexpected.
My ex called this weekend to see if I could dogsit one of the dogs that we used to "own" together. I declined because Ariel is totally over dogs ;-) and I told him I couldn't make up my mind what to do about "the final visit". It was an interesting conversation because he we were dating when I got her outside the local grocery store and because he lived with Ariel as well for 13 of the years we were living together/married. It was sorta nice to talk through it with someone that knows Ariel...and someone that I've had to make this decision with before.
At any rate, Ariel seems to be doing better today - she tried to eat the flowers on my desk and she was grumpy when I snoozed the alarm because it meant a delay in the presentation of her breakfast. But I still wish she could speak English so I could figure out if she's uncomfortable.
My favorite Ariel picture - her showing the new puppy who is the boss. She's probably 2ish here.