...in San Diego! I didn't pay a lot of attention when I booked this trip because it was in the middle of some really busy times at work. So I sorta found something that looked OK and went with it. It said "European Style Hotel"...and I thought "how fun!"
The hotel is nice...but the room is super dinky! It actually reminds me of when I was in Iceland (I guess that's part of Europe). It has small single-sized beds (I would swear they are smaller than twin beds...but maybe I am just a bit bigger than the last time I stayed in a twin bed) and you share a shower and water closet (no bidet though!) with the rest of the floor. (Although, to be fair, in Iceland we had private bathrooms and showers in the rooms.) Luckily the shower is a one-at-a-time deal with a lock on it so I don't have to feel like I'm back in college sharing a floor with 50 of my closet friends whose names I don't know!
Did I mention that it is ALWAYS an adventure of some sort to travel with me? (Luckily this time there were no airport or airplane incidents unless you count the squabbling siblings sitting in the row behind us.)
dinky comment