We spend the last afternoon unintentionally burning ourselves in a short beach layout/swimming session and going back to Leilanni's on the Beach for individual portions of those fabulous pork nachos (diet to start in T minus 2 days and counting). The waitress comments that we must've been here before since we ordered so fast and starts to walk away after I order my nachos. She is a little surprised when Iggy orders his. I tell her, "I am not sharing this time!" She laughs and says she likes my style. Back in the hotel I start organizing the scrapbook we have brought along (my first/paper anniversary present from Iggy that we didn't use since we canceled last year's anniversary trip). I had only put stuff in for day one so far and I did that on day three. So I feel a little bad for making Iggy pack it for the trip. (But I also packed 2dresses and 1shirt that I didn't end up using. Either packing isn't my strong suit or I like having options...). I don't paste anything else in but I do get my bits torn our of magazines/brochures and put in between the pages where they go.
It isn't long until its time for the luau. We arrive later than we wanted to because I am dilly-dallying. There are maybe 20 people behind us in line and we hear someone say that there are 600 people in attendance. The women taking receipts and handing out table tokens skip us, but we figure it out and ask them before we get to the seating area. Once there the hostess tells us to go to a certain person in costume for seating. We do, but when we get there he walks off. (I think he was trying to find 2 seats for the couple in front of us.) We wait for a bit then try to chase him down. I am irritated and not looking forward to the crowd. I ask Iggy if we can just ask for our money back. I debate asking him this again after we are seated at a table where they sorta split up a family to fit us in and there are 5 adults with 6 children on our other side (2 of which seem to be screaming or crying at any given moment - the kids, I mean, but a couple of the adults don't look too far away from some sort of outburst themselves). I am not particularly hungry since we had lunch a little late. At one point the mom of family next to us with 4 kids sends the dad off again to the restroom with one of the little boys and the dad says, jokingly, "Boy is this fun! We should have another one! Oh wait! We are!" ai yi yi.
The dinner is pretty good, but the uniquely Hawaiian items like poi and the coconut dessert we have already tried at other restaurants. The big hit for me were the chicken nuggets and mac'n'cheese that I took off the kid's buffet. Just kidding! At one point the mom i mentioned earlier asks her oldest boy if he ate the icing off her chocolate cake. He vehemently denies it, and she asks me if he did. I actually have no idea since I have been watching the rest of the crowd and am working on my 2nd or 3rd mai tai. The sorta split up family on Iggy's side is interesting to talk to. They were on their family vacation to the big island earlier this summer. But his work sent him here for a conference, so he brought the family again. He tells his teenage boys they are spoiled and they laugh good-naturedly.

The show is good; the emcee is mildly entertaining and the dancers are good. There is considerably less belly-aching from the kids next to us now that they're fed and the show has started. The guy who seated us is introduced as the Polynesian Prince during one dance. Iggy jokes that he's disappointed that a prince has to do a menial job like seating us. I like the New Zealand dance where the dancers wear face paint and do all the posturing intended to intimidate strangers. I especially like the parts where they make their eyes wide and crazy-looking while sticking their tongues out. There is one dancer who reminds me of The Rock who seems to really be getting into it and there is a lady close to the stage with a big camera who seems to particularly like taking his picture. The fire dancing seems pretty good but with all the hype I was expecting more (supposedly this show has the most). I guess the other shows must just walk a torch across the stage and call it good. (kidding) All in all, I am glad we went but I don't think I would go again unless I was with someone who had never been or a big group of people that wanted to go.

Back at the room I am not interested in packing...so uncharacteristically I decide to get up early tomorrow to do that.
Maui is really amazing place,pictures are looking very beautiful,it is showing your culture.Great blog.Maui luau