Monday, May 4, 2009

Lyric Hat Trick

The other day I posted on my facebook status: looking for a hat trick:
  1. bleed just to know you're alive - Goo Goo Dolls/Iris
  2. ...I wanna sunburn, just to know that I'm alive - Thriving Ivory/Angels on the Moon
  3. ...? anyone? Bueller?
There was a third song about hurting and knowing you were alive that I knew vaguely but couldn't think of.

One thoughtful soul wrote back with an uplifting song about how it's really all OK (Al Green - Everything's Gonna Be Alright).  Apparently he was worried I was depressed.  I'm not.  I swear.  Neither of those songs make me sad.  I love the sound of both of them and in particular I find those lines poetic.  The person singing/writing the song might be sad...I don't presume to know, I guess.

The Goo Goo Dolls song has a couple of other cool lyrics:
    You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
    And all I can taste is this moment, And all I can breathe is your life
    I just want you to know who I am
Now, the movie it's from (City of Angels) I find to be a tear-jerker. But not overly depressing.

I don't recall where I came across the band Thriving Ivory and their self-title album.  But it's that and the new Chris Cornell album (Scream) that seem to be getting the play-time on my iPod.  Angels on the Moon has a few other lyrics I like, including part of the chorus:
    Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
    Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
a part that sounds like a shout out to the 9/11 heroes to me:
    This is to one last day in the shadows
    And to know a brother's love
    This is to New York City angels
    And the rivers of our blood
At any rate, I like those songs and was looking for a third one -- because you know the world revolves around hat tricks right?  (Maybe I should change the name of my blog to "Chasing Hat Tricks"...)

So today I gave up and did it the "old-fashioned" way:  I Googled it. (Can you taste the irony there?  Old-fashioned?  Google?  Ok, nevermind.)

Here's the most popular result:

I know your pain is for a reason,
You need to feel just to know that you're alive

- Kutless/To Know That You're Alive

Not bad, I guess.  The sound of the song is OK.  Probably the true hat trick for my lyric collection in this case.

Just overall not exactly what I had in the back of my mind.  By the way, I heard the song I was trying to think of over the weekend while driving home from a hockey game.  I tried to remember it all the way home, but forgot it.  Yeah, my short term memory leaves something to be desired, and I couldn't remember the song's title or who was singing it.  It had the phrase "dirt" in it.  I just knew it did.  But when I Googled "dirt lyrics" it came back with dirty lyrics. Hmmm...different topic, really.  Eventually I got my search refined enough that I got the song I wanted.  I love the internet!  I was originally introduced to this song on an album of covers done by Johnny Cash - yep the Man in Black, himself.  Covering other people's work!  So here you go - the song I was looking for for my hat trick:
    I hurt myself today
    To see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain
    The only thing that's real
    - Nine Inch Nails/Hurt
...which has the other cool lyric You could have it all, My empire of dirt.  This song I do think is a little sad.  So maybe it's not really a hat trick.  What do you think?

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