Friday, May 15, 2009

Doing Something Bafflingly Crazy

Mistakes: It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.  This poster was on my mind this morning.  I remember being vaguely offended when a friend gave my ex (the hubby) a tshirt with this on it. He thought it was funny. So I was clearly missing something.  Sorta funny because now I think these are hysterical.  Part of my deja-vu was about 6 months after my ex started dating his current wife, he IM'ed me in the middle of my work day.  Said he has something to tell me, do I have a minute?  I knew he was dating and I knew it was serious and I thought the chick was a good match for him, so I was totally expecting the "we're engaged" notice even if that would've been sorta quick (I personally don't believe love has a time-frame, so 6 months, 6 years? Who cares?).

Instead, what he said was that he had come to realize a few things and wanted to apologize for a couple... It was a really, really odd sort of vindication for me.  It made me feel simultaneously justified, hollow and not insane (which is not the same as sane).  I guess if you chose one word for the moment it would be bittersweet.  It was not something I expected or needed.  But I did appreciate it.

I was giving Alan 6 months and was sorta expecting the same thing.  "You made me realize 'x'...and I'll do that better with the next S.O."  However, he's already started that stuff.  So I have this theory that I'm like the perfect starter sig-other.  After dating me, you get it, and the next woman is "the one".  So I thought maybe I could find a funny "Demotivator" about it.  This was the closest I could find: Dysfuncation: The only consistent feature of all your dissatisfying relationships is you.  True...and hard to argue with...

While I was looking out on, I found these next two that I also thought were funny and because of the rocket scientist reference.  Potential: Not everyone gets to be an astronaut when they grow up.  We used to joke that because the Cold War was over we just wasted 4+ years on a degree that allowed us to get a stellar job at a fast-food joint. 

The other one I like because I think I can embrace the idea of doing something crazy that leaves a total puzzle for future generations.  Priorities: Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.  I always wonder about the things anthropologists/archeologists say about ruins/historical sites.  How do they really know with any degree of certainty?  But I do like stories...true or fictional.

1 comment:

  1. I just received your postcard and it really made my day, thank you so much! Your demotivational posters could be my life some days lol.... Hope you have a great weekend!
